hi :>
~ previously fxkewrld / blurredrevenge
hi hru
i’m good :>
hi anyone like romance anime?
yea, i occasionally watch romance anime
What kind?
sao, ditf, high school dxd, etc
hai hru
hi ! im good wbu
Is it showing my gender as trans, or is that just me?
That is just you, the genders are male or female.
o ok ty. it’s fixed now, but thanks anyways.
high school dxd is amazing tf
In what way are u calling it amazing?
The story and world-building is great. Never once did I get bored while watching an episode or arc. Plus, I’m attached to the characters and within 2 days High School DXD has become my 2nd favorite anime, only losing the 1st place title due to how cool Naruto is.
Yeah, I can kinda agree to that