For anyone receiving an ending notification yesterday about 2 anime currently on air, my bad.
Salut je viens de voir le nombre d’animer que tu as vu et c’est énorme. Ta culture dois êtres monstrueuse. Je me demandais depuis combien de temps regardes tu des animés et a quel âge à tu commencé, car moi mon but est d’arriver au même stade que toit mais le chemin est long donc cela m’intrigue. Voilà bonne soirée à toi
I dont speak French, I had to google translate that. I started watching anime more intensely at 2018 and it went uphill from there. I started watching older anime first that I could binge watch them from start to finish, then after quite some time I keep track of recent anime. It is indeed a long road but I dont intend to stop anytime soon.
Thank you for your contributions :)
Nvm .