Gaelio Bauduin

Gaelio Bauduin


Gaelio Bauduin is an easygoing, relaxed person. He is talkative and outgoing as well and tries to be humourous. He seems to be more impulsive and more irritable than his collegue, McGillis Fareed, and doesn’t seem to care as much about being so serious and professional at work. Gaelio seems to have somewhat of an ego as well, as he seemed to get rather annoyed when McGillis suggested that perhaps Mikazuki was a better pilot and for that reason he beat him. He is, however, highly intelligent and can think critically in his line of work as an inspector when he feels like doing so.





Orga Itsuka
Atra Mixta
Azee Gurumin
Kudelia Aina Bernstein
Lafter Frankland
Merribit Stapleton
Mikazuki Augus
Akihiro Altland
Almiria Bauduin
Amida Arca
Aston Altland
Chad Chadan
