SamG in One Piece

Toei has completely fucked it up now, I was so reluctant on reading the manga because I wanted to watch th amazing fights, but what’s the point if good animation comes for like 10 seconds every 5 months. Recent episodes are trash. I’m shifting to manga ✌🏻




24 minutes for 17 pages

idk the studio has to do what it gotta does


I don’t know what you expected, when this season has been pushing out an episode a week for nearly two years now.


Yeah, and now I just dont wanna watch oden dance for 5 minutes in a 20 minute episode with his underwear showing for some reason (wtf animators??)


Definitely sounds weird. Maybe it’s just some fetish thing.


ep 976 with new op animation

edit: they changed around 5 seconds of it, so it’s not that much but hey