Kazuya Tanaka

Kazuya Tanaka

Tanaka Kazuya is an above average boy in Class 2-C. He is athletic and on the school’s varsity soccer team and thus idolized by many of the class’s girls. He is also believed to do well academically.

He appears in the backside of the Manga in volume 10. It is also rumored that his parents may be the owner of the Tanaka Supermarket that Tsukamoto Yakumo often visits, but this fact is still uncertain.

Nagayama Toki: The two of them got together during the school survival game story arc, making them the 2nd official couple in 2-C.





Akira Takano
Eri Sawachika
Harry McKenzie
Haruki Hanai
Haruna Tougou
Hayato Tani
Hiroaki Ishiyama
Itoko Osakabe
Junko Tonami
Karen Ichijou
Kenji Harima
