Misaki Oga

Misaki Oga

Oga’s older sister and the first leader of the Red Tails. A young adult now, she is nevertheless still violent and scares even Oga and Furuichi, but seems to get along with Hilda very well. As Oga’s parents, she seems easily to accept the strange events happening around her brother ever since Hilda and Baby Beel arrived, even when blatantly supernatural beings like Forkas appear (she is seen being massaged by him in chapter 38). She is under the assumption that Hilda, Beel and the others are from Macao (apparently having mistaken it for Makai, the Japanese word for the demons’ dwelling).



Birthday:July 27 (Leo)
Height:167 cm (5'6")


Aoi Kunieda
Hajime Kanzaki
Takayuki Furuichi
Tatsuya Himekawa
Alaindelon Bathin de Emuna
Chiaki Tanimura
Father Oga
Hidetora Toujou
Kaiser de Emperana Beelzebub III
Kaiser de Emperana Beelzebub IV
Mother Oga
