Toranosuke V. Haga

Toranosuke V. Haga

Toranosuke is Kajika’s bodyguard. He was hired to be her bodyguard while she stayed in Japan. When Kajika was called back by her father he remained on her staff of bodyguards. He and Kajika are seen as good friends. There appears no feelings between the two only that of like a brother sister quality. Kajika frequently gives him heart attacks when she goes missing, or if she just takes off on her own. He is loyal and dependable.





Carl Rosenthal
Eugene Alexandre de Volkan
Harry Burnsworth
Isaac Neuei
Kajika Louisa Kugami Burnsworth
Kathleen Burnsworth
Li Ren Fang
Mahaty Sheik Di Raginei
Najayra Issa Shadli
Quinza Hafez
Rumaty Ivan di Raginei
Sezun Hafez
