Sergeant Murasaki

Sergeant Murasaki

Even though he is smart, Sergeant Murasaki (Sergeant Purple in the Viz manga) loses to Goku after a long, drawn out, somewhat farcical fight. He uses several ninja tricks to which Goku counters in his own kooky way. Even when he “split” into 5 Murasakis (the Murasakis were just 5 identical brothers with Sergeant Murasaki as the oldest), Goku was still able to defeat him. After the fight he tries to unleash Android 8 upon Goku, or he would destroy Android 8. Android 8 refuses, and Goku knocks out Murasaki before he could do anything. In a filler scene in the anime, Murasaki eventually goes after Dr. Frappe and Android 8, but was presumably killed when Goku unintentionally tossed No. 8’s bomb onto Murasaki’s cheek.





Gokuu Son
Shen Long
Arale Norimaki
Gajira Norimaki
General Blue
Senbei Norimaki
Akane Kimidori
Kinoko Sarada
Midori Yamabuki
Nikochan Daiou
Nikochan's Servant
