General Blue
One of the high-ranking officers of the Red Ribbon Army, He had a special psychic technique where he could temporarily paralyze people so they couldn’t move (called Choryonku), which Blue used to his advantage to win the fight. He tracked, and encountered Goku various times, eventually stealing a Dragon Radar from him. When he returned to the army’s headquarters, Commander Red congratulated him on the finding of the Dragon Radar but noted that his main mission was to collect the Dragon Balls, and that people were executed for failure. Blue became terrified until Red said that since Blue had served the army well in the past, and that if he fought Tao and won he would be able to redeem himself. Tao Pai Pai killed Blue by sticking his tongue on a pressure point on Blue’s temple. He is apparently gay, seeing how he doesn’t enjoy the idea of Bulma and females.