Aisha Gauche

Aisha Gauche


Aisha Gauche was one of the founding members of the Fenrir organization, and is the deceased wife of the Fenrir Far East Branch Director, Johannes von Schicksal, and the mother of Soma Schicksal.

She is also Head of the Managarm Project where she volunteered to be the test subject which ended in failure, leading to her death and that of all of the members of said project, except of her son, who was born carrying the P73 Bias Factor, and her husband, who happened to have Sakaki’s “protective charm” at his hands.





Alisa Illinichina Amiella
Lenka Utsugi
Rindou Amamiya
Sakuya Tachibana
Souma Schicksal
Brendan Bardell
Canon Daiba
Eric der Vogelweid
Hibari Takeda
Iroha Utsugi
Johannes von Schicksal
Kouta Fujiki
