Dragon Ball Z Movie 05: Tobikkiri no Saikyou tai Saikyou
ドラゴンボールZ とびっきりの最強対最強
After defeating Frieza, Goku returns to Earth and goes on a camping trip with Gohan and Krillin. Everything is normal until Cooler—Frieza's brother—sends three henchmen after Goku. A long fight ensues between our heroes and Cooler, in which he transforms into the fourth stage of his evolution and has the edge in the fight ...until Goku transforms into Super Saiyan.
There’s a few movies missing that i can’t add to my watched list.
Can you please specify which ones are we missing?
Oh, nevermind it looks like they are all there. My bad
I have a question about the soundtracks, When I click media it says ServiceID, what do I put there?
For the service ID, you put in the last bit from a link, eg. a youtube video link is https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=2DHmEaULN24, and the id is the 2DHmEaULN24
ok tysm
It says for the soundtracks, “anime:ID to connect it with anime (e.g. anime:yF1RhKiiR)” But how do i find the ID for an anime?
for instance, https://notify.moe/anime/ejiYrkQZg, the last bit is the anime id, meaning ejiYrkQZg
But where did you go to grab the link https://notify.moe/anime/ejiYrkQZg
Nevermind i think i got it
Thank you