Motoko Minagawa

Motoko Minagawa

Motoko is very obsessive, romantic, and strong-willed. She will take desperate measures to get what (or who) she wants, but doesn’t always succeed. Motoko often writes love poems about her crush, Yuki Sohma, who she constantly thinks and talks about. She is also the president of the Prince Yuki Fan Club at Kaibara High School. She mostly admires Yuki from afar and only rarely does she actually speak to him.





Tooru Honda
Kyou Souma
Ayame Souma
Hatori Souma
Hatsuharu Souma
Kagura Souma
Kisa Souma
Yuki Souma
Akito Souma
Arisa Uotani
Hiro Souma
Kana Souma
