Kanon Suzuhara

Kanon Suzuhara

A classmate of Ren Kannagi and Tatsuya Serizawa. She seems to have a crush with Ren and tries her best to get his attention, though she gets into a fight with Tatsuya over Ren, since he wants to be with Ren (bestfriends?). She looks very similar to Ayumi Tsuwabuki in appearances to Ren and she is capable of cooking bentos as heard over the phone on episode 13. Kanon is very pushy but can be very caring.

During the influx of rouge magic users, Kanon finds out about Ren’s flame powers. Though she’s suprised to know that Ren has such powers, it doesn’t change her feeling toward him. On the contrary, it makes her even more protective of him.





Ayano Kannagi
Ayumi Tsuwabuki
Bernhardt Rhodes
Cui Ling
Erwin Leszal
Genma Kannagi
Hyoue Kazamaki
Iwao Tsuwabuki
Izumi Kurahashi
Juugo Kannagi
