Mikiemon Tamura

Mikiemon Tamura

A proud and boastful boy who likes to brag about his skill with firearms and proclaim himself Ninjutsu Academy’s number one idol. Boasting aside, his skill with firearms is real. He especially likes cannons, to the point that he names them, talks to them and takes them out for walks. His favorite is a small cannon he’s named Yuriko.

At odds with fellow fourth year Takiyashamaru, who has similar conceits. Like Torawaka he also greatly admires Shousei, and is always looking for opportunities to learn from him.



Class:Year 4, Class Ro
Committee:Accounting Committee


Hansuke Doi
Isaku Zenpouji
Kirimaru Settsuno
Rantarou Inadera
Rikichi Yamada
Shuusaku Komatsuda
Sonnamon Moroizumi
Arinan Samo
Bokuo Hinata
Chouji Nakazaike
Danzou Katou
Denzou Yamada
