Yuri Usui

Yuri Usui

A female member of Team Caesar and is known as the “Empress” of the team.

She reveals to Misaki that originally her deck was an Oracle Think Tank and that she changed her deck when she, her brother, and Kenji Mitsusada formed Team Caesar. Since Team Caesar is put on hold, she went back to using her good old deck. It appears that Yuri has the upper hand when she revealed a critical trigger on her drive check causing two damage to Misaki.





Gai Usui
Kamui Katsuragi
Kenji Mitsusada
Misaki Tokura
Nagisa Daimonji
Shin Nitta
Suiko Tatsunagi
Toshiki Kai
Aichi Sendou
Asaka Narumi
Eiji Saga
Emi Sendou
