Carrossea Doon
An independent contract worker for Bookwald Industries, although, in reality, he is one of Enfant’s best operatives and the right-hand man of Friday Monday himself. Carrossea is smart and resourceful and he often exploits his position and powers in order to search for clues about his past, for he, just like Madlax and Margaret, doesn’t remember anything before twelve years ago. During the incident in Gazth-Sonika, Carrossea, then known as Poupee, and Margaret were the sole survivors of the plane crash (maybe because both possessed the Gift). He rapidly fell in love with and vowed to protect her, therefore, when Margaret interrupted the stand-off between her father and Monday, Carrossea-Poupee has to cover her with his own body from a stray bullet and died on the spot. However, his rather weak Gift, the power of the Sanctuary and his will to protect Margaret sufficed to partly resurrect him at expense of his memories. Friday Monday has found his amnesiac persona, named him “Carrossea” and made his personal assistant, whereas his memories remained confined to the Sanctuary with the entity named “Poupee”. Common past is probably the reason of the rapid mutual trust that appeared between Carrossea and Margaret upon their “first” meeting as personae.