Astarotte Ygvar

Astarotte Ygvar


The succubus and the main protagonist of the series. While only 10 years of age, Astarotte is told that she will need to begin building a harem. Because when she fully matures, her body will require a regular supply of semen to keep from wasting away, much like a vampire requires blood. Unfortunately, her mother’s extreme excesses have led her to develop a fierce hatred and disgust toward all men. Astarotte demands that the first member of her harem be a human from the human world. Knowing that the Yggdrasill tree connects them to the human world (and has been dormant for years), she hopes her demand would allow her to avoid the task entirely.

She has no idea that her best friend, Asuha, is actually her older sister Asuhariet.



Height:129 cm


Asuha Touhara
Elfreda Mirjasdottir
Griselda Reginhard
Ingrid Sorveig Sorgrims
Judith Snorrevik
Lucca Austri
Mercelida Ygvar
Mistrune Asgrim
Naoya Touhara
Olaf Frismar
Unnbjorg Signar
