Ryouma Ichijou

Ryouma Ichijou

Ryouma is a young actor who, after much hardship, has become quite popular with the fans and media. He envies Izumi’s brother, Shougo, for his superior fan base.

Ryouma is big headed and brash. Like Shougo, he has a friendly and outgoing nature, complimented by good looks. He is very ambitious.

Previously believed to be heterosexual, his feelings for Izumi confuse Ryouma greatly, and even cause him to become enraged and lash out Izumi in the beginning. Ryouma definitely struggles with his sexuality throughout the manga.

He is quite an accomplished cook. He does a lot of research and studying for roles, so he actually has a lot of skills.



Birthdate:May 4
Height:180 cm
Weight:68 kg
Blood type:A
Favorite food:meat
Least favorite food:none
Source:Love Stage!! Ch. 0: Comics Profiles


Izumi Sena
Miyabi Saotome
Rei Sagara
Seiya Sena
Shougo Sena
Takahiro Kuroi
Ai Ichihara
Kanna Satou
Kasumi Shino
Kojirou Ryuuzaki
Kousuke Sotomura
Nagisa Sena
