Hisshuu Kanoya

Hisshuu Kanoya

He is a junior classman of Hakoniwa Academy. He was also a former candidate to become the Student Council president, but was beaten to a pulp by Medaka Kurokami when he started using vicious methods to try and get votes.

Kanoya is aggressive and brutal, as he used violent methods to attain votes, and his revenge against Medaka was simply to attack her with as many armed men as possible at once. He is quite charismatic, as he was able to gather up a large number of students to help him with his plan. He is however a poor judge of character; his misinterpretation of Zenkichi’s loyalties led to his downfall.

Ten years later, Kanoya is a political.



Source:Medaka Box Wiki


Hansode Shiranui
Medaka Kurokami
Zenkichi Hitoyoshi
Garaharu Ushibuka
Hakama Shiranui
Harigane Onigase
Hitomi Hitoyoshi
Kenri Noogata
Kouki Akune
Mogana Kikaijima
Myouri Unzen
Nekomi Nabeshima
