Miaka Yuuki
Miaka Yuuki (夕城 美朱), the primary protagonist in Fushigi Yûgi, an ordinary fifteen year old junior high school student, initially decides to become the Priestess of Suzaku (Suzaku no Miko) in order to use one of the wishes she will receive when she summons Suzaku: she plans to enter the high school of her choice and be with her friend Yui.
Outgoing and optimistic, Miaka shows herself amiable with friends and strangers, and has a tendency to be guileless and sentimental. She is naïve, but sometimes surprises adults with an insightful comment. Miaka is generous and cares greatly for other people and perceives herself to be a considerate person. She can be unassuming and unsophisticated, but also magnanimous and courageous. Because she creates the impression of a person who always needs help, Miaka has the good fortune of almost always having someone looking after her.
Miaka has a primary weakness: her gluttony. She eats constantly and has an interest in any type of food. She is an avid fan of anime, imitating several characters during the course of the story.