Captain Matthews

Captain Matthews

A former Galaxy Federation officer, Captain Matthews is the commander and owner of the Elsa Van Brabant, the ship contracted by Ziggy in rescue of MOMO, as well as picking up the survivors of the attack of the Woglinde Armada Allen Ridgeley, Lt. Louis Virgil, Shion Uzuki and KOS-MOS. Big and tough, Matthews is a practical man, looking out for his beloved ship as well as taking care of his crew, Tony, Hammer and chaos. He does have a considerable amount of debt, mostly with the younger Gauguin Kukai (Nigredo), but more often-or-not due to his bad spending habits. He often wears a red baseball cap saying ‘Caution: I’m a Boozer’.



Source:Absolute Anime


99 Series Obversational Realian model
Albedo Piazzolla
Gaignun Kukai
Gaignun Kukai Jr.
Jin Uzuki
Joachim Mizrahi
Juli Mizrahi
Luis Virgil
MOMO Mizrahi
Mary Godwin
