
Aldebaran is one of the 12 Gold Saints of Sanctuary, with the Taurus as his destined constellation. He was physically the strongest of the Gold Saints in the modern era. He is Brazilian in origin.
Unlike most of the characters, Aldebaran is often depicted as a friendly guy, laughing and being less serious in times of peace. He was a good friend of Aries Mu, and with Pegasus Seiya (as this last is said in the anime adaptation of the Hades Saga, when Aldebaran sacrificed himself with the other eleven Gold Saints to destroy the Wailing Wall).
In a flashback in the anime version of the Hades Saga, he is shown to awkwardly accept the gift of a flower from an unnamed small girl, while Aiolia, Mu and other village girls from around the Sanctuary look on.
Although Aldebaran followed the orders of the Pope, he was growing suspicious of his integrity and tested the Bronze saints during their invasion on the Sanctuary. According to Aries Mu, Aldebaran could have killed all of them if he used his true power, but Aldebaran answered that if his enemies were fighting so hard, then their beliefs couldn’t be all wrong.