Uchiko Ai

Uchiko Ai

A member of the Invisible Storm. Kureha’s classmate and a member of the Invisible Storm, who arms and controls the beam cannon used to shoot bears.

At the end of the series, she witnesses Kureha and Ginko’s escape to beyond severance, thus quitting the Invisible Storm after Choko lies and tells the other Invisible Storm members of their deaths. Uchiko later finds Konomi rejected in a box by the flowerbed, labelled as “defective”, and the two form a friendship.



Source:Yuri Kuma Arashi Wikia


Lulu Yurigasaki
Chouko Ooki
Eriko Oniyama
Ginko Yurishiro
Kaoru Harishima
Katyusha Akae
Konomi Yurikawa
Kureha Tsubaki
Life Beauty
Life Cool
Life Sexy
Milne Yurigasaki
