Mahibi Moji

Mahibi Moji

He is a senior classman of Hakoniwa Academy and the leader of the delinquents who originally made up both the Kendo Club and the 2% of the votes that Medaka Kurokami did not receive.

Moji is aggressive and violent, an attitude befitting a delinquent leader. He ignores the great majority of school rules, instead hanging out in the kendo hall with his friends. Like the rest of his gang, he smokes.After Medaka’s intervention however, he seems to have reformed somewhat, and the passion for kendo he once had has been rekindled.

Ten years later, Moji is a teacher.



Source:Medaka Box Wikia


Hansode Shiranui
Medaka Kurokami
Zenkichi Hitoyoshi
Garaharu Ushibuka
Hakama Shiranui
Harigane Onigase
Hitomi Hitoyoshi
Kenri Noogata
Kouki Akune
Mogana Kikaijima
Myouri Unzen
Nekomi Nabeshima
