Lucy Yamagami

Lucy Yamagami

Yamagami’s first name is so long it is often abbreviated to just “Lucy”. Her parents had difficulty choosing a name and listed all the ideas on the registration form. This becomes an ongoing embarrassment for her and she proclaims that she became a civil servant only to exact revenge on the sloppy bureaucrat that approved her name! She becomes angry when people refer to her by first name (or any abbreviation).

The one that allowed her name was Hasebe’s father.

Unlike in the anime in the manga when Hasebe first goes to tell her with everyone that it was his father who ok her name he chickens out and says he will tell her tomorrow. It becomes a running gag that every day he tries to tell her but ends up saying tomorrow. She doesn’t find out till at the moment Hasebe was finally about to tell her she overhears Hasebe’s dad tell the chief he is the one who okayed her name. She had met him previously but didn’t know he was Hasebe dad and he kept avoiding each time the chief tried saying his name in front of her not wanting to mess up things for his son. By this time though they had already confessed to each other and were a couple. After initially being upset they made up when Hasebe was sick at home and Lucy showed up at his home carrying a knife( As he didn’t keep any at his place.) but was actually their to cook him food what she had been secretly learning to do. In the end she gets a name change telling her parents she has problems with it what they thought she didn’t since she never said anything. She keeps the Lucy as it is what Hasebe has always called her and is special to her now.





Yutaka Hasebe
Father Hasebe
Father Yamagami
Jouji Tanaka
Kanon Momoi
Kaoru Hasebe
Kenzou Momoi
Megumi Chihaya
Mother Yamagami
Saya Miyoshi
Taishi Ichimiya
