Iwai Mushanokouji

Iwai Mushanokouji

A girl with hair that cannot be cut. Her hair has never been cut since birth, so it is extremely long, and also grows fast. When Kiri found his ancestor’s scissors, he was able to cut it, and he cuts it every time it grows (every day, due to to the curse). She is a shy and quiet girl, who has never attented school due her hair.

Her ancestor, who was the first Hair Queen, left two curses behind before she died, the curse of the Killing Goods, and the cursed hair; the latter being the one Iwai carries. It is revealed that whoever kills Iwai, will have his/her wish granted, no matter what it is - and their curse will be lifted as well.





Emily Redhands
Father Mushanokouji
Fritz Maillold
Grandfather Haimura
Hitomi Karuko
Houichi Koizumi
Houko Byouinzaka
Kanae Sumeragi
Kashiko Misumi
Kiri Haimura
Kotarou Naruto
Kozakura Zenigata
