Sasame Izuriha

Sasame Izuriha

A young girl with short, silver hair and large brown eyes with pale looking skin. She was originally a priestess from Yomijima, together with Minashi and Tsugumi. They came to Tokyo to seek revenge on IX, the organisation that destroyed their hometown. She later met up with the other children and developed feelings for Akashi. However in the present time, she seemed to have lost memories of her childhood as she joined Team Gargouille under IX.

She is the second person to be affected by the Corpse song and the third person to become a LIM.





Akashi Saginuma
Aoshi Saginuma
Emiru Hazaki
Heito Isaku
Iwato Namito
Kasane Agura
Mahmu Yuzuki
Mimei Maki
Minashi Maki
Raika Kasumi
Sadami Natsuiri
Susan Suzaki
