Misaki Nakasorachi

Misaki Nakasorachi

Misaki Nakasorachi is in Tokyo Butei High, Year 2 Class C. Due to being extremly shy and nervous (especially around males) she stutters uncontrollably when speaking face to face, but not when speaking through a machine. When she is speaking through a machine, her voice is clear, making her a very good operator during large-scale ops. Her auditory senses are extremely acute, able to identify specific species of animals and trees just from a recording.

She is Jeanne’s friend, and she appears to have a crush on Kinji, despite only having seen him from the camera feeds of his headset. She has long black hair, and she wears glasses.





Aria Holmes Kanzaki
Kinji Tooyama
Riko Mine
Shirayuki Hotogi
Gouki Mutou
Jeanne d'Arc
Kanae Kanzaki
Ryou Shiranui
Tooru Sayanaki
