Hibiki Amawa

Hibiki Amawa

The sexy and determined Hibiki is a physical education major searching for his first job after graduating college. He decides that he wants to become a PE teacher at the Seito Sannomiya Middle School. He soon discovers that this middle school has a history of hiring only female teachers and the male student population is treated with the utmost disdain. He decides to disguise himself as a female and soon becomes their newest PE teacher in order to show the principal that men are also capable of love.





Akane Manase
Akira Fukae
Chieko Sannomiya
Dorm Mother
Father Fukae
Father Kasuganomichi
Fujio Himejima
Fuko Kuzuha
Haruko Ashiya
Kiyoshi Noda
Koji Mori
Kyosuke Aoki
