Ranko Hata

Ranko Hata

はたけ ランコ

A member of the newspaper club. She is shown to talk in a monotonous tone and does not show much interest in a lot of things aside from taking scandalous photos for the newspaper. She has a habit of saying “kodak” whenever she is about to take a photo of someone and in one of the episodes every time she took pictures Aria and Shino would erase it afterward.





Aria Shichijou
Shino Amakusa
Suzu Hagimura
Kotomi Tsuda
Mutsumi Mitsuba
Naruko Yokoshima
Sayaka Dejima
Takatoshi Tsuda
Chihiro Uomi
Chiri Nakazato
Kaede Igarashi
Mother Hagimura
