AMV | AMV is an anime music video. | |
ActivityConsumeAnime | ActivityConsumeAnime is a user activity that consumes anime. | |
ActivityCreate | ActivityCreate is a user activity that creates something. | |
Analytics | Analytics stores user-related statistics. | |
Anime | Anime represents an anime. | |
AnimeCharacters | AnimeCharacters is a list of characters for an anime. | |
AnimeList | AnimeList is a list of anime list items. | |
AnimeRelations | AnimeRelations is a list of relations for an anime. | |
Character | Character represents an anime or manga character. | |
ClientErrorReport | ClientErrorReport saves JavaScript errors that happen in web clients like browsers. | |
Company | Company represents an anime studio, producer or licensor. | |
Crash | Crash contains data about server crashes. | |
DraftIndex | DraftIndex has references to unpublished drafts a user created. | |
EditLogEntry | EditLogEntry is an entry in the editor log. | |
EmailToUser | EmailToUser stores the user ID for an email address. | |
Episode | Episode represents a single episode for an anime. | |
FacebookToUser | FacebookToUser stores the user ID by Facebook user ID. | |
GoogleToUser | GoogleToUser stores the user ID by Google user ID. | |
Group | Group represents a group of users. | |
IDList | IDList stores lists of IDs that are retrievable by name. | |
IgnoreAnimeDifference | IgnoreAnimeDifference saves which differences between anime databases can be ignored. | |
Inventory | Inventory has inventory slots that store shop item IDs and their quantity. | |
NickToUser | NickToUser stores the user ID by nickname. | |
Notification | Notification represents a user-associated notification. | |
PayPalPayment | PayPalPayment is an approved and exeucted PayPal payment. | |
Person | Person represents a person in real life. | |
Post | Post is a comment related to any parent type in the database. | |
Purchase | Purchase represents an item purchase by a user. | |
PushSubscriptions | PushSubscriptions is a list of push subscriptions made by a user. | |
Quote | Quote is a quote made by a character in an anime. | |
Settings | Settings represents user settings. | |
ShopItem | ShopItem is a purchasable item in the shop. | |
SoundTrack | SoundTrack is a soundtrack used in one or multiple anime. | |
Thread | Thread is a forum thread. | |
TwitterToUser | TwitterToUser stores the user ID by Twitter user ID. | |
User | User is a registered person. | |
UserNotifications | UserNotifications is a list including IDs to your notifications. | |