Eikoku Ikka, Nihon wo Taberu
Based on a book by British travel and dining journalist Michael Booth. Follows Booth, his wife Lissen, and two kids Ansger (6) and Emil (4), on their 100-day trip to Japan as they try a wide variety of Japanese foods. Booth was inspired to make the trip by Shizuo Tsuji's book, Japanese Cooking, A Simple Art.
新宿・思い出横丁 Shinjuku Omoide Yokocho2
最高の天ぷら Super High-Grade Tempura3
日本料理の神髄 The Essence of Japanese Cuisine4
力士サイズになる料理 Sumo-Sized Food5
第五の味覚 The Fifth Taste6
世界一硬い魚 The Hardest Fish in the World7
魚屋の魚屋 The Fishmonger's Fishmonger8
本物のワサビ Real Wasabi9
道具の楽園かっぱ橋 Kitchen Tool Paradise10
箸の流儀 Chopstick Style11
カニ、カニ、北海道 Holy Crab!12
北の海藻キング The Seaweed King in the North13
ラーメンキング The Ramen King14
京の魔法・豆腐 Tofu,The Magic of Kyoto15
日本酒の危機 Japanese Sake Crisis17
すしの源に Sushi&Beyond18
世界最速のファストフード・大阪 The World's Fastest Fast Food19
発酵マニアがつくるミソ Mad about Miso20
マイケルの妄想 Michael's Delusion21
サムライのしょうゆ Samurai Shoyu-Down22
長寿のヒケツ The Secret to Long Life23
裸のつきあい The Naked Fellowship24
日本を食べる Eating Japan