Argento Soma Special
The pilot Sue Harris goes to a mission on a frozen country, there she suffers an accident on the mountains and her life is in severe danger. Trying to survive on the harsh enviroment, she encounters an alien and engages in combat with it. The two beings will use all means possible to escape of that dead trap alive.
Phase:01 再生と死と2
Phase:02 死と少女と3
Phase:03 少女と出会いと4
Phase:04 出会いと憎悪と5
Phase:05 憎悪と争いと6
Phase:06 争いと逃避と7
Phase:07 逃避と追憶と8
Phase:08 追憶と孤独と9
Phase:09 孤独と哀と10
Phase:10 哀と殺意と11
Phase:11 殺意と裏切りと12
Phase:12 裏切りと絶望と13
Phase:13 絶望と希望と14
Phase:14 希望と混沌と15
Phase:15 混沌と葛藤と16
Phase:16 葛藤と決意と17
Phase:17 決意と過去と18
Phase:18 過去と大罪と19
Phase:19 大罪と戒めと20
Phase:20 戒めと覚醒と21
Phase:21 覚醒と真実と22
Phase:22 真実と破滅と23
Phase:23 破滅と勇気と24
Phase:24 勇気と愛と25
Phase:25 愛と再生と