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Recently I managed to acquire a plush Gwen. She is very useful for holding things. Usually she spends most of the day waiting for me to get home from work, after which she likes watching me play video games.

I also own 2 plush sharks from Ikea. I am very happy with my purchase and would recommend it to other people.

Notable achievements that I was able to acquire during my lifetime are: Getting C2 Qiqi in genshin impact, Accidentally re-watching the entire “Girls und Panzer - Der Film” movie, Winning a teamfight in League of Legends by getting a quadrakill on Kog’Maw while being disconnected from the game, Getting “Play of the Match” in Overwatch while not doing anything

I also like warships.

Lost Ark > Skyrim > Total War Warhammer II > Monster Hunter: World > Elden Ring > Starcraft II > Overwatch > Dota 2

320 anime
Jun 2020

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