Certificate expired, site blocked by certain browser


I put it in the bug section even if it’s more of an issue. So, the certificate for “notify.moe” has reached its expiration date today I personally use firefox which unfortunately for some time has been blocking sites with invalid certificates. Now you are going to ask me, how did I get to the site? In fact I just added the “media” subdomain to access the site then to connect my account I had to change the subdomain again to finally connect to my account

For example my current navigation link is “https://media.notify.moe/new/thread

For those who want to know the certificate of notify.moe belongs to “Let’s Encrypt” and expires on today (2020-10-04) and media.notify.moe belongs to “CloudFlare” and expires in 2021


Yup! I pinged Akyoto in the discord server.


Everything is ok now.