Harvey Livingston

Harvey Livingston

Harvey is an American journalist who works for a French newspaper. He is is very interested in the Mysterious Thief Black Rose, and travels all over Europe following him, trying to get a big story break. Harvey supports what the Black Rose does, and doesn’t really want to expose him, he just wants to interview him. Harvey also dislikes injustice and uses his newspaper stories to expose government corruption. He is the older brother of TJ Livingston, and rased him when their parents died. Harvey crosses paths with Nadja in several countries, and helps her out at one point by printing a newspaper article on her behalf.





Abel Geiger
Anna Petrova
Antonio Fabiani
Christian Strand
Collette Preminger
Count Waltmüller
Duke Preminger
Fernando González
Francis Harcourt
George Haskill
Herman Preminger
